No-code Solutions
for DeFi Distribution  

Simply embed DeFi Widgets on your website with your branding.
Help your users find best performing DeFi Yield and Earn on Referrals!


DeFi Yield Marketplace

Best performing diversified yield vehicles
spread all over the web!

No Additional Fees!

Hedge3 does not charge investors any additional fee! We are an Aggregator of DEX and Yield Aggregators! Our and our affiliate network revenue generates from prototocols we promote!

Secure & Non-custodial Aggregation!

Hedge3 does not have intermediary contracts! We use the routers of yield and other provider protocol!

Widget Builder with Live Editor!

No coding knowledge is needed to embed DeFi to your website. Any website can become DeFi compatible! You just simply build widget UI and copy paste snipet code!

Competitive DeFi Referral Protocol!

TLDR: we send DeFi protocols tax token named INVOICE once they revenue from referred users deposits.
Protocols decide how much they want to pay, we provide data on their paid INVOICEs. The rest is game theory!

All Kinds of Passive DeFi Yields are Ready to be Distributed!

DeFi mass adoption will happen only when the Builders cooperate with the Marketers!


DeFi Indices

Diversified DeFi investments with ease.

Structured Products

Structured DeFi investment

Liquidity Pools

Best liquidity pools to lend your assets.

DeFi Funds

Decentralized human managed funds.

Yield Farmings

Farming strategies from best protocols.

Top Tokens

Top market cap DeFi blue-chip tokens.

Earn Referrals from Trusted Yields Your Audience Seeks!

Dynamic lists of best performing yields that open  trading widgets directly on your website so that your user never leaves it!


Your Own Aggregator for DeFi Yields Distribution

Turnkey DeFi Marketplace

The Hedge3 marketplace is built on DeFi Widgets that are available for anyone to embed on any website by simple copy-paste snippets!

With these widgets we have creates turnkey solutions so that you can run your own aggregator of marketplace listed yields and get into the game as fast as possible!

DeFi Aggregator

Telegram DeFi Marketplace

Are you good with tlelegram marketing? Then over 900M users waiting for your Mini App to bring them the best yields on the DeFi market!

Being the first in a kind DeFi yields distributor, Hedge3 can help you setup your Telegram Mini App in a single week!

Start a New Business by Running Your DeFi Aggregator Platform!

Earn revenue shares from yield vaults aggregated from your platform!

New to DeFi?

Still Have Questions?

Hedge3 is a DeFi investment vehicles marketplace. Its a common platform for those who look passive investment opportunities in DeFi. We are not building yield strategies we just find the best opportunities in the market and distribute through our distributed marketplace.

Hedge3 is not a Yield Aggregator!
We are a marketplace of all kind of DeFi vehicles like Yields, Funds, Indices, Algo Strategies, RWAs, Structured Products, Blue-chip Tokens, Liquidity Pools and many more!

While helping investors to find the best performing diversified vaults on-chain. We also help the best strategy builders and asset managers to find their liquidity providers! We noticed that the best DeFi builders with strong historical performance are still struggling to find their investors. 

Thus besides building a common marketplace for listing and comparing the best vaults we also build distribution solutions for builders to showcase their expertise all over the network and help others with their wealth management! 

Most of the investments on Hedge3 has no vesting period while in some cases there can be a 24-hour vesting period to prevent flash loan attacks and ensure the security and stability of our platform. Still, our platform provides clear information for each investment mechanism you explore. 

Hedge3 itself is absolutely free to use. The primary fees you may encounter are related to the providers’ terms to which you allocate your assets, and sometimes when you choose to invest in a human-managed fund you can also be charged performance or management fees. These fees are subject to change and may vary depending on the specific fund. Each investment mechanism listed on Hedge3 contains complete information regarding fees to be charged.

Absolutely! Our platform allows you to easily diversify your investments by allocating your assets to multiple investment mechanisms and tracking them from a single place. Diversification can help manage risk and optimize potential returns across various investment strategies and asset classes.

Trade DeFi Yields from Telegram

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