Getting Started With Hedge3 Crypto Widgets

By Hedge3 Admin, 7 months ago

Introduction: What are Hedge3 Crypto Widgets

Hedge3 Widgets are a pivotal tool for developers and webmasters looking to enhance their web applications with dynamic, user-friendly crypto widgets. This guide introduces you to the basics of integrating Hedge3 Widgets into your projects, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

Ease of Use with Hedge3 Crypto Widgets: No Coding or Crypto Expertise Required!

Hedge3 Crypto Widgets are designed with simplicity and ease of use at their core. You don’t need any coding experience, crypto knowledge, or technical skills to harness their power. Here’s how effortlessly you can use them:

  1. Pick a Widget: Begin by selecting a widget from the Hedge3 collection. Each widget is tailored to provide specific functionalities, ensuring you find exactly what you need for your website.
  2. Customize with Ease: Once you’ve chosen a widget, dive into its settings. The intuitive interface allows you to play around and customize the widget’s features to your liking. Adjust layouts, data settings, and more with just a few clicks.
  3. Publish with a Shortcode: After customizing your widget, simply use the provided shortcode to publish it on your website. This straightforward process involves copying the shortcode and pasting it into your desired webpage. No complex coding or technical steps are involved.

The user-friendly nature of Hedge3 Crypto Widgets makes them an ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their website with dynamic crypto-related content, regardless of their technical background.


Guide Video



Key Functionalities

Hedge3 Widgets are not just simple components; they are crafted using a robust Widget Builder, allowing for intricate and customized creations. These widgets can be seamlessly integrated into your website using code snippets or shortcodes, making them incredibly versatile and user-friendly.

  1. Layout: The layout parameter is crucial as it dictates both the appearance and functionality of the widget. It allows you to choose the right appearance and functionality that fits the specific needs of your web page, ensuring that each widget not only looks great but also performs optimally.
  2. Data: Data handling is a standout feature of Hedge3 Widgets. They can process and display a wide range of data types, including but not limited to, decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and cryptocurrency data. This capability makes them particularly valuable in financial and technology-oriented websites where real-time data display is essential.
  3. Options: The options parameter offers users the flexibility to customize the settings and functionalities of the widget. This level of customization ensures that each widget can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of your website and audience.
  4. Styles: As a premium feature, the styles parameter allows for advanced design customization. This paid solution offers an array of styling options, enabling you to align the widget’s aesthetics perfectly with your website’s design language. The styles parameter is particularly beneficial for those looking to create a more branded and cohesive user experience.



Once you’ve created a widget using the Hedge3 Widget Builder, sharing and integrating it into your website is straightforward and user-friendly. Here’s how you can publish in your WordPress crypto widget plugin:

WordPress Crypto Shortcode Widgets

  1. Locate the Share Button: Upon completing your widget, navigate to the center bottom position of the Hedge3 Widget Builder interface. Here, you’ll find the “Share” button.
  2. Open the Popup for Publishing Shortcodes: Clicking on the “Share” button will trigger a popup window. This popup contains the publishing shortcodes specific to your custom widget.
  3. Copy and Paste the Shortcode: To integrate the widget into your website, simply copy the provided shortcode from the popup. Then, paste this shortcode into the desired location on your website where you want the widget to appear. This process can be done in your website’s content management system, within a page, post, or widget area, depending on your website’s structure.
  4. Widget Display on Your Website: After pasting the shortcode, the Hedge3 Widget you created will be displayed on your website at the location you selected. The widget will retain all the customizations and functionalities you set up in the Widget Builder.

This simple yet effective method of using shortcodes for publishing ensures that even those with minimal technical expertise can easily incorporate advanced, customized widgets into their websites, enhancing user engagement and functionality.

The same approach works for publishing with an HTML Widget with a poor JS code snippet. Additional options are also provided for React, Vue, and Python integrations.


Help and Support

At Hedge3, we are committed to providing exceptional support to all our users. Our community forum offers free support to users of the free version at our Discord Channel. We aim to respond to all inquiries casually within 24 hours, ensuring you get the help you need promptly.

For users of the PRO version, we offer a premium support service. This includes direct conversations in private chats with our skilled support assistants. This personalized approach allows us to cater to your specific needs and queries more efficiently, enhancing your overall experience with Hedge3 Widgets.


Updates and Customizations

We are relentlessly working to ensure that Hedge3 Crypto Widgets remain the best solution in the market. Our team prioritizes constant updates, focusing particularly on incorporating customer requests. This user-centric approach helps us evolve and enhance our widgets to better serve your needs.

We warmly invite our users to contribute to this ongoing improvement process. If there’s a functionality you find missing or an enhancement you desire, let us know! Fill out This Simple Form to share your suggestions with us. Your input is invaluable as we continue to refine Hedge3 Crypto Widgets, ensuring they not only meet but exceed your expectations.


Future Plans

In a world where the future of the internet and finances is increasingly decentralized, Hedge3 is at the forefront, offering its humble assistance to everyone eager to build upon the foundations of DeFi and cryptocurrency. Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies and foster the democratization of the internet.

As we navigate this evolving landscape, Hedge3 remains committed to providing tools and resources that empower individuals and organizations alike. Whether you are a seasoned crypto enthusiast or new to the world of decentralized finance, Hedge3 is your partner in this journey.

Our earliest updates will include functionalities like the Crypto Swap Widget, Crypto News Aggregator Widget, DeFi Protocol Aggregation Widget, DeFi Portfolio Widget, Crypto Checkout Widget, Crypto Donation Widget, and many more..

To stay updated with the latest developments and offerings from Hedge3, we encourage you to subscribe to our Twitter feed. Follow us on our Twitter (X) to get real-time updates, insights, and tips on making the most of the DeFi and cryptocurrency space.

Stay tuned with Hedge3 – together, we are shaping the future of digital finance.

This article contains links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only (“Third-Party Sites”). The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of Hedge3, and Hedge3 is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. Hedge3 is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by Hedge3 of the site or any association with its operators.